Fuel & Auto

Auto Care

We offer a wide selection of most major brands of tires for auto, light truck, heavy truck, farm, and off-road. Service available at Cleveland, and Pikeville.
We do light mechanical work, brakes, and oil changes.

Service available at Cleveland and Pikeville. Call to schedule today!

Southeastern Farmers Co-op Cleveland
2615 Blue Springs Road
Cleveland, Tennessee 37311-0807
Phone: 423-472-3239

Southeastern Farmers Co-op Pikeville
41448 SR 30
Pikeville, TN 37367-0296
Phone: 423-447-2105


Southeastern Farmers Co-op offers 24-hour-a-day gasoline and road diesel to customers at our Cleveland and Pikeville locations. Purchases must be made by credit card or our in-house fuel card at Cleveland. Cash, credit card, or in-house fuel card are welcome at Pikeville. When buying fuel after hours, credit card pedestals are available for your convenience. Please note that the dyed off-road diesel pumps are only available during business hours and are turned off when the store is closed.

A worker standing in front of a fuel delivery truck.

Fuel Truck

We offer on-the-farm delivery of bulk gasoline, road, and farm diesel.

Two workers standing in front of a bulk fuel truck.


We fill propane tanks of any size! From RVs to small grill tanks, we fill them all. Give us a call for pricing for your specific size tank. Note that all tanks must be weighed at the time of filling. All tanks 50 pounds and larger must leave the store in an open air container and must be standing in an upright position. Customers are responsible for securing their own tanks.

*Pikeville location only.

On The Farm Tire Service

We offer on-the-farm tire service to customers in the Cleveland area. Our service technician has a fully equipped truck with all the tools needed to service tractors and equipment on the farm. We will get you back up and running. Call today to schedule a service.

Southeastern Farmers Co-op Corporate Office
2615 Blue Springs Road
Cleveland, TN 37311-0807

Southeastern Farmers Co-op Cleveland
2615 Blue Springs Road
Cleveland, Tennessee 37311-0807

Southeastern Farmers Co-op Cleveland Tire Center
2615 Blue Springs Road
Cleveland, Tennessee .37311-0807

Southeastern Farmers Co-op Lafayette
105 W. McCarter Rd.
LaFayette, GA 30728-6487

Southeastern Farmers Co-op Pikeville
41448 SR 30
Pikeville, TN 37367-0296

Southeastern Farmers Co-op Pikeville Tire Center
41448 SR 30
Pikeville, TN 37367-0296