Essential Nutrition for Livestock This Winter

Prepare for winter with mineral tubs, providing a consistent, easy-to-access source of vital nutrients for your livestock during unpredictable weather conditions. Support health and performance all season long.

Co-op Feeds 900581 32% Hi-Pro Cattle Supplement

Co-op Feeds 900581 32% Hi-Pro Cattle Supplement

Designed to provide high-quality protein and essential nutrients to support the health and productivity of your cattle, especially during periods when forage quality is low.

Key Features:

  • High Protein Content: Contains 32% crude protein to support muscle development and overall health.
  • Supplemental Nutrition: Provides essential mienrals and vitamins to complement forage diets.
  • Convenient Tub Form: The 200 Ib tub offers a free-choice feeding method, allowing cattle to consume the supplement as needed.
  • Weather-Resistant: Formulated to withstand various weather conditions, ensuring consistent intake.
Co-op Feeds Cattle Supplement

Co-op Feeds 900594 Sensible-Lyx 16% All‑Natural Cattle Supplement Tub

A 200-pound, low-moisture block designed to provide essential nutrients to cattle consuming moderate to high‑quality forages.

Key Features:

  • 16% All-Natural Protein: Supplies high-quality protein to enhance forage utilization and support cattle health.
  • Self-Fed Supplement: Allows cattle to consume the supplement as needed, promoting consistent nutrient intake.
  • Weather-Resistant Formulation: Designed to withstand various environmental conditions, ensuring minimal waste and consistent availability.
  • Sustainable For All Classes of Cattle: Ideal for beef cattle, non-lactating, and growing dairy cattle.
Co-op Feeds 900594 Sensible-Lyx 16% All-Natural Cattle Supplement, 200Ib, Tub
Purina Accuration Tub

Purina® Accuration® Hi-Fat Tub

A premium,  weather-resistant protein supplement designed to provide additional energy and balance nutrient deficiencies in cattle consuming fair to poor-quality forages.

Key Features:

  • High Fat Content: Contains 10% fat, offering extra energy to support optimal body condition and performance, especially for cattle on low-quality forage.
  • Self-Feeding Convenience: Utilizes propriety Intake Modifying Technology® to regulate consumption, allowing cattle to consume multiple small meals daily, enhancing feed efficiency and reducing digestive challenges.
  • Weather-Resistant Formulation: Designed to withstand various environmental conditions, ensuring consistent intake without degradation.
  • Versatile Application: Suitable for cattle grazing on fair or poor-quality pasture or hay, improving forage utilization and overall animal performance.
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